Posts tagged #Toronto book club


It was a wonderful experience to attend a book club of women in their 30s and 40s who had read my novel, Ile d'Or, and wanted to discuss it with me. We sat in a circle in a warm living room with the fireplace on low (one of those winter days when it was already supposed to be Spring, but this was Toronto in March when anything can happen). The first question was posed by Debra, who had invited me to the evening. How did you start to write? Etc. So I told them the story about my grandmother (Louise Moore) who was the food editor for the Toronto Telegram when I was growing up in that mining camp up north who included stories in her columns as well as recipes. Those stories often had to do with unusual exploits of the town and/or of her three grandchildren who lived there of whom I was the eldest. And that when I was 7 she accepted and included a poem I had written in her column for which she sent me $5. I told the women I was misled into thinking that writing might be a lucrative profession. Everyone laughed and we were off to a fine start.

Their questions and comments were insightful and interesting. And no one commented on the historical error in the book I've previously confessed to have made until I asked if anyone had noticed it. Indeed, Kelly had. She said she wouldn't have commented on it if I hadn't raised it, so I was glad that I had. It didn't seem to spoil anyone's enjoyment of the book. It was interesting to hear that Kelly had lived in Montreal during the time of the FLQ, so was particularly attuned to the events surrounding those dark days.

The host for the evening, Nicole, had made pieces of cooked meat on skewers with tortiere flavours and maple syrup pie in honour of the novel, set in Quebec and with at least one banquet that included some typical Quebecois food. Not being a meat eater, I'm not sure how the meat on skwers compared with traditional tortiere, but I can say that the maple sugar pie melted in my mouth and elicited wonderful memories. And everyone who had either of these delicacies was impressed.

Every time I read from my book(s) or answer questions, the experience is different and I learn something new as well. I'm always glad to have the opportunity.
Posted on March 26, 2011 .