Cuba. March 2014

Street Scene in Old Havana

Old Havana

Old Havana

Old Havana

Old Havana

Cuban flag

Ernest Hemingway's House near Havana

Restaurant on Water. Most magnificent seafood.

Santa Clara

Che Guavera Memorial
The size!!!

A trip to Cuba that included the interaction with a feminist, activist lawyer and a biologist/environmentalist, lectures from a doctor, a lawyer and an economist. Lots of questions and answers in all contexts. An opportunity to meet people who live in Cuba and for us to benefit from their experience. A visit to an organic farm, to the psycho ballet, to dance demonstrations, to a sculptor and doctor's home. To hear music and tour community and women's centres. To meet the children. To see the happy children in school yards and parks. And on it went. Even enjoying the beach! But primarily learning about the people, their struggles, their courage and creativity. About a system that has health care for everyone and where however poor, a roof over everyone's head. Through all the hardships of the embargo and the collapse of the Berlin wall, later the financial embroglio at the beginning of this century in North America, these people have survived and thrived. When the subject of the U.S. comes up, it is clear they do not want to change anyone else, only to be left alone to continue carrying out with the philosophical insights of their national hero, Jose Marti, which place community at the core of everything. So decisions and policies are made by the community for the community with that care for everyone in mind.  

Posted on March 16, 2014 .