The Life of a Writer. #4 .Moving.

I was going to write about Christmas Day and what happens when left alone to cook a turkey for the family who call from their out of town home on the morning of the festive dinner that they are ill. What happened then was that two friends came and a good warm festive air circled us and the next day the grown kids came and enjoyed turkey soup, fitting as stomachs were still settling for them. Aside from those few words, it is old news now.

Now I have moved into another reality. One of decluttering and preparing a house I have lived in for over 40 years for sale in a week or so. It is time for moving into a new phase of life. And during all of this, how does one find time to write? I don't know the answer. Maybe there isn't any  time for that. However, I am prepared to enjoy this transition at this stage of my life and get back to writing in earnest once I am settled in a new and smaller place. A place where my friends who have already made this move assure me I will feel lighter. As junk disappears, I already do and rather imagine that it happens in stages.

How to move with the least amount of stress? Share with me! All suggestions welcome. I am well underway already, but it does seem daunting. I can work from morning to night and then look around and wonder if I've actually done anything. Where did all that stuff that is now in the garage ready for pick up by a man with a truck go? Nothing looks particularly different in the house. Although when my sister visited last week, she said she could see a big difference. Still the question remains, how to shoehorn what I want to take with me into a small kitchen, a small coat closet, a small linen closet and one rather large closet in the bedroom. Where will all the books go? All my papers? Well, some of the books, over 50%, have already gone to a refugee committee at a church for sale to raise funds for the committee's work. And the papers I continue to sort and shred.

In the meantime, I think it is time to read a book and go to a movie. Wouldn't you!!!
Posted on January 19, 2012 .