Jack Layton Inspires A Country.

What a sad day for Canada when Jack Layton died, a truly humane politician. He has inspired a country, Canada, to be even better than we are. Hopefuly his legacy will be that no one drops the ball and especially young people and the younger politicians carry on to new heights of taking care of the most vulnerable in society.  That he could find common ground across extreme differences, or at least see that there were talking points that could lead to solutions is a rare gift in the polarized pit of politics. He was a man of courage and commitment and care. Would that he had been able to follow through in Parliament as leader of the official oppostion. His would have been a strong voice. The letter he wrote two days before his death will hopefully inspire the rest of the party. And all of us as citizens of Canada who have lost a strong and compssionate voice that spoke so eloquently for 'ordinary Canadians.'
Posted on August 23, 2011 .