Assaulted Women's Helpline. Gala Fundraiser. April 15, 2011

Someone else will have a better photograph of me at the fundraiser for the Assaulted Women's Helpline last night, but I couldn't resist experimenting. Mirror image with Flash!

It was a fantastic evening! Well attended with good  speeches, entertainment, food and an interesting silent auction as well as an exciting live auction. It was gratifying to know that this necessary service will continue with the help of all its donors and friends.

Sandra Diaz read a very moving poem with three words...'someone you know'...that repeated throughout the poem poignantly created images of women who experience abuse as our friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc.  Too true and a reminder this 24 hour crisis line for assaulted women is an essential service.Sandra Diaz, Rebecca Ng and the women who organized this event are to be congratulated. As is Huong Pham who is the Executive Director of the AWHL.
Posted on April 16, 2011 .